TMBA 197 (LBP163) - The Bootstrapper’s Guide to Business Partnerships
Dan and Ian are coming at you today with some insight into what could be the most costly decision you'll make in your business careers. Many don't think about it in terms of cost, but in this episode, Dan and Ian will make it abundantly clear why you should, and how to look at partnerships in a way that is mutually synergistic.
You'll hear about how Dan and Ian's partnership is more of a marriage and how they manage to keep their ship afloat. Tune in to get partnership advice straight to your earbuds that only personal experience can teach.
A Partnership is a Sinking Ship...
The biggest mistake Dan and Ian made when they started their original partnership.
Why you need to plan for success in the future, not just for the immediate needs to launch the business.
How side projects actually restrict your flexibility instead of increasing it.
Resentment management and why it's one of the most critical aspects of running a partnership.
How "the race of who can do less" might have you in it's icy grips and what you can do to escape.
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Jimmy Hayes - Minaal Brand

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Episode length: 29:25
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