TMBA 221: 5 Trends In Remote Working and Team Building
I've got Joe "Hot Money" Magnotti on as my co-host this week in the wake of Ian's much needed romp in Europe. Today, we're passing the ball back and forth about the direction things are going regarding remote working and team building. We've been noticing that the old norms are shifting (some have been for a while) to a new era that we're super stoked for. We dig into a ton of meaty stuff and add a little philosophical fun at the end.
Listen to this week's show and learn:
What's happening to "outsourcing" as we've come to know it.
Why creating a narrative to inspire your team is going to be a game changer.
Where the best people on your team are going to come from (hint: it probably won't be from Cornell).
The rise of the lifestyle design job and how it impacts entrepreneurs.
How to create one of the most competitive cost structures in the world.
People on this episode:
In Post 221
Mentioned in the episode:
Call us at 888-554-8428
Empire Flippers
Click Interview
Ron Davidson - The 4th Economy
Tim Ferriss - The 4 Hour Workweek
Jason Fried - Remote
Authority Engine
Nick Bilton - Hatching Twitter
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Thanks for listening to our show! We'll be back next Thursday morning 8AM EST.
Dan & Ian
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