TMBA Podcast Episodes
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We publish a new show every Thursday morning, 8AM EST
TMBA 168 (LBP143) - The Art of the Deal and the Science of Ordering the Grey Matter of the Universe
Dan and Ian are excited to come to you this week with a discussion on the number one sticking point for entrepreneurs at all stages of the game. From a rainy Bali villa, the fellas are bringing the heat in this episode to pack it full of actionable content for you and your start up. This discussion is a poster child for lifestyle business entrepreneurs everywhere and helps bring to surface the biggest issues and shortcomings of most entrepreneurs in the space. Everybody is working towards independence of some kind and this episode is a perfect example of what is possible if you keep your nose to the grind stone.
TMBA 21 (LBP21) - How We Are Making a Couple Hundred Thousand Dollars and the Most Exciting City in the World for Internet Businesses
Heya everyone, this is the first episode where we get in to deal-making. We've been really busy as I'm sure you can tell if you listen to the episode! We are excited to touch base with everyone who is listening. It's been so great to hear from everyone who's contacted us. I really like this kind of content and I'm hoping we can do more high-level deal making stuff in the future. We also talk a lot about outsourcing opportunities in the Philippines.