An Entrepreneur's Blog
Here’s every article posted at TMBA since 2009.
This post attempts to sum it up (but that was a few years ago!). Since then, we sold our business, and many new things have happened around the blog.
If you’d like to save time, we email readers about articles, musings, and news. You can sign up here.
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The Charisma Trap - One Way Entrepreneurs Screw Up Hiring Remote Employees
The Charisma Trap is when a job candidate shows a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for the position in a way that resonates deeply with the entrepreneur. This enthusiasm manifests in compelling ways: the candidate is a true believer in the company’s purpose, the candidate is passionate about future prospects and in the companies potential.
Looking for a career jumpstart? Come apprentice with us this winter.
We’re seeking someone with a lot of energy and ambition to join our team this winter as an apprentice. The gig is a paid (but not much!) marketing apprenticeship designed to be a springboard into the location independent lifestyle.
Join Our Team - Seeking a Business Development Apprentice - Work Remotely
The Dynamite Circle aka “the DC” (related: TropicalMBA.com) is seeking an ambitious team member to improve and expand services to their members and community. The DC is a community of internet-based entrepreneurs that was established in 2011. It has since grown to 1200 members worldwide.
Join Our Team - Seeking a Part-Time Customer Service Professional (Location Independent)
Why are we hiring? It’s pretty straightforward. We’re looking for a motivated professional to manage and respond to emails in a timely manner with high-level entrepreneurs (our DC members).
Work With Us : Seeking an Email Professional
Job opportunities have always been a big part of what we do at TMBA, and I expect we’ll ramp that up in the coming months as Ian and I put together a plan to make investments in the businesses of our readers.
Tropical MBA is Hiring - Seeking Writer and Producer
Our podcast is over 6 years old. During that time we’ve produced over 300 episodes. On the whole, I’m proud of the work we’ve done. I’ll be 34 this year, and so far, it’s been the best stuff I could come up with.
Start Your Digital Nomad Journey Today (By Responding to This Post)
What I’m about to explain sounds crazy to many (and even me when we first conceived of it), but so far this specific arrangement has worked for 7 young entrepreneurs who have wanted to make a transition to the digital nomad lifestyle.
I Tried to Write a Book and Failed
The whole “I’m writing a book” thing has been a huge learning experience. Hundreds of thousands of words, lot’s of helpful advice, tons of hours, and nothing to show for it, except perhaps feeling the force of some entrepreneurial correlate to the Peter Principle.
(New) - Live In A Resort For Free For 6 Months
A handful of people have questioned why we still bother to do these Philippines resort gigs. It’s not like this is a big business opportunity for us
Want to Join Our Team? - We're Hiring a Content Manager For TMBA/DC
This blog started, way back in 2009, with a job ad much like this. I’d love to write more about why we love providing jobs like this (but I’m on a deadline!) and I suspect that many of you who are considering applying know the drill.
Win Back Your Time : Live in a Resort For Free For 6 Months
On our podcast we talk a lot about the currencies of time, income, and mobility work together as a system. You can often sacrifice one currency to gain another.