An Entrepreneur's Blog
Here’s every article posted at TMBA since 2009.
This post attempts to sum it up (but that was a few years ago!). Since then, we sold our business, and many new things have happened around the blog.
If you’d like to save time, we email readers about articles, musings, and news. You can sign up here.
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Hiring Remote Employees Can Be a Pain - That’s Why We Now Do Remote Recruiting*
It was nearly one year ago today – June 2020 – that our team decided to make it a primary focus to build product and
Interested in Joining the TMBA Team? We're Hiring a Community Facilitator.
Hey all- What a year. For many of us who run online businesses it’s been crazy busy – whether we’re rebuilding, pivoting, or dealing with
Behold, We've Dusted Off The TMBA Blog
In the meantime, Bossman and I have taken to doing daily Youtube livestreams as a way to share and brainstorm ideas in real time with TMBA listeners. It’s been really fun.
Our New Book, Before the Exit, Is Now Published
It’s designed to be short, simple, and fun to read. It’s for those who are considering an eventual exit of their company, a topic I’ve been thinking a lot about the past few years.
What's Happening in 2018 at the TMBA?
Many of the most popular articles, over the years, here at TMBA have been ‘hiring posts’, where we seek to find operations and marketing professionals for innovative companies growing distributed teams. We’ve done this many times for our friends and colleagues, and now we’re doing it officially.
We’re hosting an event for business owners in Austin, Texas
We have been hosting events for entrepreneurs the better part of a decade. Generally, one in the summer, and one in the fall. This year, our summer event will be in Austin, Texas, a hotspot for entrepreneurship and many readers of this blog.
Happy Holidays From the TMBA
In a busy world, I still make time to open my RSS reader every morning and read blogs. Ian and I love being a part of that. Blogging gives us space to think through ideas and connect with like-minds in a different way than simply tweeting or recording a podcast.
What I'm Doing Now
This is a now page. I’m writing it because the question I get most from readers, when we meet, is “what are you up to now?” Until a few days ago I would joke that “my brains are scrambled from DCBKK.”
Our Annual Event, DCBKK, in 25 Photos
Creating business conferences isn’t something I thought I’d be doing 10 years ago. I never liked conferences, why create one?
Could You Replicate Your Education For Free - PhD or Podcast?
In the chapter “Ph.D. or podcast” he uses this blog as an example of a Ph.D./MBA substitute. I certainly didn’t think of it that way when it started, and I’m not suggesting it is that. But what would be the downside for young students to start a blog and treat it as if it were their Ph.D. or an MBA?
TMBA August News Updates
For two and a half years we’ve been sending weekly news emails to our subscribers. They included links to our favorite reads of the week, and a description of that week’s podcast. Occassionally we’d announce things like events or masterminds at the end of those emails.
Work With Us : Seeking an Email Professional
Job opportunities have always been a big part of what we do at TMBA, and I expect we’ll ramp that up in the coming months as Ian and I put together a plan to make investments in the businesses of our readers.
Long Live RSS
I was at a cafe in London, reading a gossip newspaper (I enjoyed it). My friend, who tries hard to only read paper books, magazines and newspapers (like The Financial Times), was clicking around on his phone most of the morning.
From Below the Blog - A Five Year Retrospective
This blog (formerly the “Lifestyle Business Podcast”) was started five years ago. After four or five false starts, I meekly published an episode about the process we used to identify our first valet parking product.
We're Hiring : Join Our Team of Product Marketers
We are seeking a new team member for our e-commerce and product development business (that’s the one that makes products like cat furniture and portable bars, among many others.
2 Location Independent Jobs : Join Our Team or Live for Free in a Resort in the Philippines
This post describes two job opportunities. The first is a full-time position and a direct report to me. We’re looking for somebody to help manage and improve our community.
Oh The Places You'll Go! (Tropical MBA News)
Over the last fiscal quarter, I haven’t posted much on the blog. In October, after a nearly 2-month hiatus, I started to get some emails from worried readers. What’s up Dan? You okay?
Fund Your World Travels Starting Today - 2 New Job Opportunities
You might have gathered from pervious job opportunities we’ve posted on this site — we don’t pay a lot and the work ain’t pretty, but you sure as hell will learn a lot.
Why I'm No Longer Running Internships
We’ve learned that it’s not so easy to host an internship. Despite many entrepreneurs telling me it’s a great concept, telling me it’s a bigger idea, I just can’t convince more people to do it.
Could Renouncing US Citizenship Become Business as Usual?
It's no wonder that many long term US expats would prefer to take on another citizenship. So far, the US hasn't looked kindly on individuals who have made such a decision. Recently, Senators Casey and Schumer have gone as far to suggest that the penalty for citizens leaving the USA for tax reasons would be a lifetime ban from re-entering. Sounds like a thought crime.