An Entrepreneur's Blog
Here’s every article posted at TMBA since 2009.
This post attempts to sum it up (but that was a few years ago!). Since then, we sold our business, and many new things have happened around the blog.
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Hiring Remote Employees Can Be a Pain - That’s Why We Now Do Remote Recruiting*
It was nearly one year ago today – June 2020 – that our team decided to make it a primary focus to build product and
An Entrepreneur’s Timeline for Generating Wealth
When does an entrepreneur become wealthy? If an entrepreneur can follow the path without too much diversion, potentially within ten years of starting. This generalized path to wealth for bootstrapping entrepreneurs is straight forward but it’s not the same for everyone.
Going Big with Your Business and the Sweet Spot of Asset Buying
Dynamite Jobs has started to take off these last few weeks so the question was posed, ‘how do you make your business big enough to buy a Boeing 737 within 7 years?’ Dynamite Jobs has been gently growing an audience and creating a great experience for its users since 2017 (over 1000 days ago).
The Work of an Entrepreneur - Believe in Value When There's No Money
While I was writing responses to emails I received this week, I realized there’s an idea Ian and I talk about often in-person and find useful, but it comes up rarely on this blog. It’s this: often, the most important job of an entrepreneur isn’t to make money, but to understand value.
The Middle Class Mind
I was in Barcelona to attend a business conference. One evening, a small group of us found our way to a fancy bar with quiet music. We knew each other – we’ve met all around the world, from developing-world resorts to New York City cafes. Our conversations are mostly stories and laughs with like minds. But in the middle of all the jokes, I got offended.
A Ten-Year Retrospective on The 4-Hour Workweek : How Location-Independent Entrepreneurs Taught the World to Build Businesses from Anywhere
Ten years ago this month, I was spending a sunny Saturday morning in Barnes and Noble. In the business section, I noticed a book with a palm tree and a hammock on the cover. It boldly suggested that I could work less, earn more, and travel widely.
The Cult of Early Retirement Meets (Or Strangely, Doesn’t Meet) The Cult of Entrepreneurship
Very few words seize my attention like “retire early.” So it’s no wonder that, over the years, I’ve found myself consuming a wide range of ideas from ‘early retirement’ bloggers and financial gurus. Most emphasize the fundamentals: being frugal and saving money.
A Mistake Most Interviewers Make
While listening to Zach Lowe’s podcast last night, I noticed him make a small mistake that most questioners of all types make. Sometimes, this mistake is made intentionally for deceitful purposes (see if you can spot the use case).
Set Your Pricing Accordingly
Dave, over at Grav.com, is one of the leading manufactures of glass pipes in the marijuana industry. We first met in Austin, but serendipity brought us together, for morning biscuits, in Denver the other week.
Can You Become Wealthy in Just a Few Years?
One thing that’s interesting about this space is that most of the people who are really doing well don’t want to talk about it publicly. It’s easy to forget, with all the “success” narratives thrown our way everyday, that the vast majority of business success stories aren’t shared in the press or on social media.
“The Lifestyle Design fringe is actually that unevenly distributed future”
Flattering stuff! This was, perhaps, the first episode where our new podcast production team — Ian, myself, Jane (producer) and Arison (engineer) — brought something to the feed that we wouldn’t have been able to do when it was just Ian and myself spitting gas.