An Entrepreneur's Blog
Here’s every article posted at TMBA since 2009.
This post attempts to sum it up (but that was a few years ago!). Since then, we sold our business, and many new things have happened around the blog.
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Hitching a Ride on the Digital Nomad Express
The archetype at the core of the digital nomad identity is that of the backpacker or traveler. So you might say: earn like an entrepreneur or freelancer, and live like a backpacker or traveler and boom: digital nomad.
Do You Feel You're Spending Too Much Time on Your Smartphone?
Over the holidays, some of my friends expressed they felt they were spending too much time on their phones. One said “I used to read more books. Now that time is evaporating into my iPhone.”
Business Class in London
Over the past ten years, traveling and meeting with other entrepreneurs has become a way of life. And – thanks to the Dynamite Circle – our community has given me, and many others, a way to connect more easily with like-minded individuals while we are on the road.
The Middle Class Mind
I was in Barcelona to attend a business conference. One evening, a small group of us found our way to a fancy bar with quiet music. We knew each other – we’ve met all around the world, from developing-world resorts to New York City cafes. Our conversations are mostly stories and laughs with like minds. But in the middle of all the jokes, I got offended.
Is America Bad at Building Cities?
I was at dinner in Barcelona with two Americans who live in the United States. They wanted to know why I had chosen to live abroad for the better part of a decade.
What Does Your City Whisper to You?
The idea is that cities send signals through a variety of means – from overheard conversations, to architecture, to how residents decorate their living rooms. Like great books, great cities whisper their messages subliminally.
Why do So Many Entrepreneurs Take up Endurance Sports?
One thing I kept coming back to: why do so many entrepreneurs gravitate towards endurance sports? (And insane endurance challenges like the India Pacific Wheel Race, or Ironman Triathalons).
Chiang Mai is a Great Place For a Winter Cycling Training Camp
When I was there a few weeks ago, I even met a few young people who’d skipped going to university to, instead, come to the mountainous north of Thailand, to work on projects and learn about entrepreneurship.
Five Hangovers from 2016
I’m guessing this one is on many people’s New Year’s resolutions list. Luckily for me, I usually only fluctuate a few pounds, but any more than that is just enough to make me feel unhealthy. I’m going to drop down to my fighting weight in the next 60 days and stay there for the remainder of the year.
The Inbox Arms Race - Is There a Downside to Tracking Personal Emails?
About a year ago, somebody mentioned that I should install software that would tell me when people who emailed me were tracking whether or not I opened, re-opened, or clicked on their email.
You Are Where You Come From
A few years ago people (mostly non-entrepreneurs) started asking me the question “Where did you come up with that idea?”, in reference to my business.
What’s a Simple Way to Lose 10 or 20 Pounds?
A cyclist hauling around 20 pounds of excess body fat is at a huge disadvantage. For the amount of time it would take to outride that handicap with increased power, one might have to train vigilantly (6 days a week) for a year.
Rich Man, Poor Man
I grew up having to work on cars outside, in a covered car-port, no walls and no garage. In the winter it was brutal but I still loved every minute of tinkering, regardless of the temperature. When I moved to California, in 2005, my dreams were of a design job, a corner office, and a collection of cool cars.
What Advice Do You Have for Students?
A writer friend was recently invited to speak in front of a group of students. He was asked to share his opinions on how to think about life, and career, in general. I had so many questions for him.
Buying Reliable, Safe Cars with Cash
Last week, Ian wrote over 3,500 words about his new home purchase. But he skimmed over what might have been his greatest motivation for buying a big place– wrenching on an endless parade of cars and bikes (and finding somewhere to put them all). Every time I visit bossman, he’s got a new toy.
The Real Cost of Buying a House
After a year or so of obsessing over Redfin and Realtor.com, I finally pulled the trigger and bought a house!
The 9 Then 3 Lifestyle
It turns out that automating a source of income can take years, but disconnecting your paycheck from your location is fairly easy stuff, particularly if you are willing to take a pay cut.
How Do You Organize Your Time When You Don't Have a 9 to 5?
In 2007, in a beige cubicle in California, I used a spreadsheet to determine that I controlled about 20% of my waking hours. The other 80% were determined by my job and related activities– from commuting, to mending clothes, to checking emails in the evenings.
An Ode to the Accidental Workplace
I was not expecting it, but when I first moved to Asia I found that you could walk into a broad range of establishments— restaurants, pubs, resorts, hotels, guesthouses— first thing in the morning, spread all your stuff out, and start working.
Some Blogs and Podcasts Worth Checking Out in 2014
For over half a decade, one of my favorite daily rituals is opening up my RSS feed reader (what is RSS?) after my morning working session (along with the DC and Hacker News).