An Entrepreneur's Blog
Here’s every article posted at TMBA since 2009.
This post attempts to sum it up (but that was a few years ago!). Since then, we sold our business, and many new things have happened around the blog.
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Letter to the editor: FIRE Movement - What's the Priority - Making Money or Saving Money?
Today I'd like to share a letter from reader Kevin Marshall. He responded thoughtfully to a YouTube rant that in retrospect, I'm not very proud of. As in many poor and one-sided debate, I committed all the same errors I was accusing others of.
5 Ways to Start a New Business in 2020
Entering the entrepreneurial life does not always require light bulb moments and inventing the next great thing. The following are five trusted methods to help you look for new opportunities and capitalize on them.
An Entrepreneur’s Timeline for Generating Wealth
When does an entrepreneur become wealthy? If an entrepreneur can follow the path without too much diversion, potentially within ten years of starting. This generalized path to wealth for bootstrapping entrepreneurs is straight forward but it’s not the same for everyone.
Going Big with Your Business and the Sweet Spot of Asset Buying
Dynamite Jobs has started to take off these last few weeks so the question was posed, ‘how do you make your business big enough to buy a Boeing 737 within 7 years?’ Dynamite Jobs has been gently growing an audience and creating a great experience for its users since 2017 (over 1000 days ago).
Ways to Save Money - Taxes, Money, Accounting ft. Mario Lucibello
Dan and Ian called up their accountant to get some actionable advice for saving money as well as his take on PPP loans. Mario Lucibello is a CPA, a tax strategist, and the team’s go-to person for financial questions.
What are Your Favorite Job Interview Questions?
As a team we’ve been doing tons of interviews in our efforts to match remote professionals with great companies over at Dynamite Jobs. We’re exploring ways to ask more elegant and efficient questions.
Do you Need to Quit Your Job to Build a Successful Business?
Back in the day I strongly encouraged quitting your job. But there are lots of ways to get more freedom and flexibility in your career and business without necessarily doing that. Let’s dig a little past mere possibility and start to look at what’s working for people.
10 More 4-Hour Work Week Case Studies
It’s worth noting that I’m not 100% clear whether or not all of these entrepreneurs would identify themselves as doing business in the 4HWW style. In fact, our adoption and implementation of some of the book’s principles have led us, as a community, to both expand and critique them (naturally!).
"Why I Went to DCBKK 2018" - What Being a Deaf Entrepreneur Is Like
Many members, though, have been sharing their thoughts about the event, how they experienced it and how it might change their business. One that caught my eye was that of Nabeel Keblawi, who is a professional B2B copywriter.
Taking a Walk This Weekend? - Here's a Great Podcast Episode to Take with You
In this conversation they touch on a broad range of topics: sports, hustle, the importance of a ‘scene,’ how creative movements depend on many creators collaborating, befriending influential and powerful people, family, business strategy, getting to “your number,” why Michael Jackson’s “Off the Wall” is a more important record than “Thriller,”.
The Alchemy of Pitching - What To Consider When Selling Yourself or Your Business via Email
This week’s podcast outlines our thoughts about how to be more successful making pitches, and cutting deals, via email. Ahead of that episode, TMBA’s producer Jane, has agreed to share some thoughts about how to reach out to podcasts – and other media outlets – drawing on her experience working at the BBC and with shows like ours.
Here's a Problem With Metrics
Some management theorists will tell you that they’re also the essence of good management – that leading well means giving smart people smart KPIs and getting out of their way. I tell my staff, “Increase quality leads by 20% in the next quarter!” Then I approve the budget and let my people do their thing.
Is Etsy the Next Online Gold Rush?
Etsy is an ecommerce site for unique products that are difficult to find on other platforms, like Ebay, Google Product search and Amazon. Etsy features items that would rarely ‘rank #1’ in a Google or Amazon search – and caters to consumers for exactly that reason.
Working in Email for Only 30 Minutes a Day
When we were building our first business, Getting Things Done (“GTD”) was the guidebook for productivity in the digital age. Its concepts recognized and served the specific challenges that the internet — and specifically, email — had introduced into our lives.
Stuck in a Rut
I’m not sure if I realized it at the time, but I turned, during that period, to something I’ve relied on my entire career: A mastermind. A small group of people, all with similar goals. I was lucky enough to have been working with Taylor already, so he invited me.
Set Your Pricing Accordingly
Dave, over at Grav.com, is one of the leading manufactures of glass pipes in the marijuana industry. We first met in Austin, but serendipity brought us together, for morning biscuits, in Denver the other week.
How Others Can Help When You're First Starting Your Entrepreneurial Journey
I was on the phone with a friend this week who aspires to get his PhD in the next few years. They are notoriously difficult to complete — with deadlines sometimes years away and distant advisors, it’s easy to procrastinate and feel isolated in the task.
Five Hangovers from 2016
I’m guessing this one is on many people’s New Year’s resolutions list. Luckily for me, I usually only fluctuate a few pounds, but any more than that is just enough to make me feel unhealthy. I’m going to drop down to my fighting weight in the next 60 days and stay there for the remainder of the year.
Why I Overinvest
For most businesses, generally in the first few years, there is a period when you have to spend a significant amount of time and/or money to get it off the ground. You are trying to figure out what does – and does not – work.
You Are Where You Come From
A few years ago people (mostly non-entrepreneurs) started asking me the question “Where did you come up with that idea?”, in reference to my business.